
  • Sinh to - Vietnamese fruit shake

    Cooking time: 3 min. / 0 min.Difficulty: easyvideo

    I love fruit shakes. They differ a bit country by country. In Vietnam they use nearly any kind of fruit and vegetables. No matter what kind you choose, the recipe is nearly the same all the time. Loads of fruits, ice and sweet condensed milk.

    Sinh to - Vietnamese fruit shake
  • Ca phe kem flan - Coffee créme flan

    Cooking time: 15 min. / 30 min.Difficulty: easyvideo

    This amazing dessert was available nearly everywhere in South Vietnam. Sometimes just with caramelised sugar, sometimes with coffee added, which is Ca phe kem flan. In traditional Vietnamese households with no oven this dessert is steamed in a pot. In modern ones it is made in the oven.

    Ca phe kem flan - Coffee créme flan
  • Banh dap - Crushed rice cracker with anchovy sauce

    Cooking time: 20 min. / 10 min.Difficulty: easyvideo

    I was sitting in a restaurant by the river in Hoi An and all of a sudden I could hear a blow from the other table. I had a look this direction and could see a guy hitting heap of some pancakes with his open palm, then tearing it and dipping in some sauce. So I ordered it too. They were rice crackers connected together with layers of steamed rice pancakes. So simple and so tasty. Of course thanks to the great sauce too :)

    Banh dap - Crushed rice cracker with anchovy sauce
  • Bun cha gio - Vermicelli with fried spring rolls

    Cooking time: 30 min. / 15 min.Difficulty: easy

    If you made too many spring rolls, you can eat part of them with vermicelli and you get Bun cha gio. Really simple dish. You just cut spring rolls on noodles, add some vegetables, traditional Vietnamese sauce and here we go. I have got some pork on the picture too, but it was a bonus ;)

    Bun cha gio - Vermicelli with fried spring rolls
  • Xoi dau den - Sticky rice with black beans and coconut

    Cooking time: 10 min. / 45 min.Difficulty: easyvideo

    Very common breakfast in Vietnam is a soup or rice with meat, which is not very common for me back home. So a breakfast like this on a daily basis was sometimes too much. You can imagine, how happy I was when I was walking down the street and met a lady who was offering some sweet purple mix topped by peanuts, served on a banana leaf. It tasted great and was a pleasant change I really needed.

    Xoi dau den - Sticky rice with black beans and coconut
  • Cha gio - Fried spring rolls

    Cooking time: 30 min. / 15 min.Difficulty: easy

    When thinking of Vietnamese cuisine, fried spring rolls would probably belong to the three top of mind dishes. The filling is very variable. You can use minced pork, or go for a vegetarian version. One of the vegetables used often in Vietnam is a corm of taro, Colocasia.

    Cha gio - Fried spring rolls
  • Duck noodle soup Bun Mang Vit

    Cooking time: 10 min. / 1 hod.Difficulty: easyvideo

    When imagining Vietnamese cuisine, most probably it is gonna be around the great noodle soups. The most known is probably Pho, which means wide noodles in Vietnamese. This recipe is about soup made of thin noodles, called vermicelli, in Vietnamese Bun. It is an amazing combination of duck meat, bamboo shoots and radish.

    Duck noodle soup Bun Mang Vit
  • Goi cuon - Fresh spring rolls

    Cooking time: 15 min. / 15 min.Difficulty: easyvideo

    Popular Vietnamese dish. Perfect for hot summer days. As many of other Vietnamese cuisine dishes, there are no spices used for the rolls. The flavor is added by any kind of your favorite dipping sauce.

    Goi cuon - Fresh spring rolls
  • Green papaya salad

    Cooking time: 10 min. / 0 min.Difficulty: easy

    When I was a kid, my mum was always telling me not to eat unripe fruit, that I will be sick. In Vietnam and other Asian countries, their opinion is completely different. Unripe fruit is used as vegetable. Like in case of unripe, green papaya, which is used into various kinds of salads. This recipe is the most frequent and simple one.

    Green papaya salad
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